Thursday, November 5, 2015

Some Mid-Week Evenings Require a Spur Of The Moment Feast: Scallops and Gorgonzola Sauce

After a day of working on POW! Power of Words, the summer writing anthology (in November) and meeting with potential partners for a writing project in Bridgeport Public Schools, I met Attallah at Mount Pleasant and we headed to southern Connecticut to pick up my bib for Saturday's Vicky Soto 5K. I looked to Attallah and said, are you hungry? She was.

We ended up at Knapp's Landing and shared a Gorgonzola fettuccini with scallops and an Asian salad with crispy salmon.

Um, there is only one word - delicious.

Yes, it was a mid-week treat, but it was a great opportunity for the two of us to catch up on our worlds and to engage in political, historical conversations like we do.

Meanwhile, the mystery of where Glamis's collar went is still unsolved. It was on her when I hiked with her this morning and Tunga swears she had it on before he left for school. Now it is gone. I've torn the house apart looking for it and I can't find it anywhere. It was rather tight, so I am unsure how she even got it off, let alone where she misplaced in. She looks naked without her necklace and I'm sure tomorrow I will go and buy her another one

Ah, but that dinner. I've even at Knapp's Landing often, but last night's dinner was incredible good...masterful, actually. I am still licking my teeth this morning, even after I brushed my teeth. We ate like Royals in Stratford and it has energized me to be productive today.

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