Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Jeepers! Organizing Professional Development for 150 Teachers is Exhausting! But, Presenting is a Party!

When I was a kid, I always knew my OCD was kicking in when I rearranged my room, dumped my drawers and began to make piles so I could itemize all the materials. Note:  My OCD was never as bad as the photo to the right------->.

That's what it felt like, however, last night when I began to sort all the materials for two rounds of professional development with Trumbull Public Schools on Informative Writing. I have two, three-hour rounds with distinct goals between them. Some of the material will parallel in each session, but there's enough variation that I needed to be organized.

And efficient.

There will be 9 tables with 8 teachers each in both sessions. There's no time to hand out all the goods or it will distract the timing of what needs to be covered. As a result, I sorted materials into 9 piles, making sure each table would have 8 of every item (including chocolate - that is best practice for PD and it was on the 80% clearance rack...nothing like Snickers for 80% off).

I am thrilled, too, to be co-presenting with Nicole Brown of Hill Central as we do a practice round of some of the items we'll discuss at NCTE.

And here's wishing me luck for the day! I'm off!

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