Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Bonus: 24 Hours Back In Syracuse and I Get Dinner and a Slice of Apple Pie and a Scoop of Vanilla. Woot Woot!

Note: this is not a photo of the actual pie. I ate the real
one way too fast.
I'm officially declaring a diet the day after Thanksgiving. I've been eating out for over a week because of the conference and then my mom's house is always welcoming with cookies and potato chips. Tonight, when I returned, I was welcomed with an Apple Pie.

Home Home Home Home Family Home.

It was delicious.

I'd start the diet Wednesday but Chitunga wants to celebrate his birthday at a restaurant and with cake, so I know I'll eat like walrus. Of course, the day after is the turkey bonanza.

I think I will feel better to get back on the road, as there was no time to run in Minneapolis. Yes, I walked multiple steps each day running from session to session, and restaurant to restaurant, but it doesn't make me feel whole like running and sweating does.

So the task will be: stay moderately good until the week of December 24th so I can come home and be a walrus again.

Ah, that apple pie. How can anyone deny a slice of apple pie?

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