Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Game 1: Mother Nature 1, Bryan 0, Game 2: Glamis 1, Bryan 0. And That Was a Day. Yup

First thing I learned from my self-proclaimed first day of sabbatical. I actually had time to go through 140 emails I've been delaying on. Now, another 200 to deal with tomorrow.

Second, typing without a pinky is a challenge.

Third, I love the sound of a lawnmower when you realize Chitunga is mowing the lawn without being asked. I went outside to check on him and was distracted by all these mushrooms growing in my yard. It's been years since I've played in my mushroom field guides and the next thing I knew I spent 2 hours trying to name this 'shroom. No luck, yet. I gave myself permission to walk back into my naturalist days because of the sabbatical.

Fourth. I told Chitunga I'd take him to lunch and he wanted Olive Garden...his first time to go. It's been a long while since I've eaten there (love the salads). I've forgotten how yellow their menu is: pasta, bread, fried food, and cheese. It was delicious, but I'm not sure it was healthy (although I tried).

Fifth, the pasta tired us out and we decided we'd each nap. Chitunga was fine...because I got Glamis Marie. She was wound up from 3 pm - 6 pm when Tunga finally woke up. I took her in my room and she tapped danced on the wooden floor with doggie claws, she got into the closet and pulled out all my shoes, she jumped on my bed and chewed my nose and ears, and she whined. Needless to say, I didn't nap. As soon as Chitunga woke up, she wandered to her cage and went to sleep.

I give up. Happy Hump Day.

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