Friday, August 21, 2015

Back in CT and Debating on Another Mini-Adventure with the Freshness of Good Times On My Mind

When I arrived to the doctorate program at Syracuse, I did adjunct work at LeMoyne College, a Jesuit University with a wonderful reputation for solid education and excellence in CNY. On my first day at the campus, I ran into a guy named Marino who was just graduating from LeMoyne. He was a Sudanese refugee and we became good friends - in fact, he was a great buddy through my research and he soon entered a Physicians Assistant program at Upstate. The two of us graduated with our degrees about the same time.

Yesterday, one of the young men (now 23) who participated in my research, Akech, took Chitunga on a tour of LeMoyne - we are keeping possibilities for his future on the radar. Akech is a senior, a friend to Marino, and a hard worker like Chitunga. Our tour was great and the icing on the cake was running into Jeremy Rose, Tricia's brother, who just graduated with his Physician's Assistant degree from LeMoyne. He was on campus studying for his boards.

Circles go round and round and round. Better yet, when we talked with the EOP officer, it turned out to be a teacher I once worked with in Syracuse City Schools district. The coincidences were many. LeMoyne really has a lot going for it these days.

We left there and did a quick romp through Syracuse University, a lunch at Heids, an oil change, and a Wegman's stint. I wasn't ready to leave but Chitunga has a 14 hour shift today and my cousin has been recruiting me for the benefit. So, the love and joy of Amalfi drive had to be short.

As always, I'm so thankful to the home-front. I love my family and all they do for me. I still hate it that they're not just down the street.

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