Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Maybe It's a Bad Idea, But For a Moment It Seemed Logical and Rather Practical. I Mean, It's Pavlov.

I've heard from many pet owners that one way they condition their animals is by squirting them with a water bottle to curb unwanted behaviors - that is, jumping on furniture, scratching inappropriate objects, peeing inside.

Yesterday, discussing behavior of students and individuals at work, in our families, and at home, we tried to find a professional solution to best redirect behaviors that we don't like to be around. I suggested we carry water bottles with us.

Drink milk from the container. One squirt to the face. Interrupt someone while they're talking, two squirts. Arrive late to class, three squirts. It seemed logical at the moment, and then the reality hit me that I was actually serious. That's when I started laughing. If only it was this easy.

Imagine the world if we had the freedom to condition one another in the way we do our cats and dogs. Well, simply put, we'd all be wet.

"Butch, would you please remember to put the seat down after you use the toilet," my mother could say to my father. Then she could give him five squirts with the water bottle.

Life would be beautiful if we were allowed to be this innovative.

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