Tuesday, March 10, 2015

And I Met My (Cough Cough) Co-Pay. My Groin Is Thankful That It Isn't Worse (Cough Cough). Phew!

I don't like going to the doctors, but I let them do this to me yesterday. This is an X-ray of what I look like inside. I took it while sitting in the cold room to be checked out for the abdominal pain that has caused me trouble the last few days after moving heavy furniture.

Long story short (turn to the left, cough), the doctor didn't see anything out of the ordinary. In fact, everything checked out really well and he said whatever I've been doing to nurture the pain (and bulging) must have worked because he saw no indication of a hernia.

I saw the diagnosis as permission to purchase more blinds (of course, I forgot the measurements and got all the wrong sizes). Chitunga and I returned the wrong ones and got new ones and, as any home project typically goes, it took us twice as long as it usually does to finish the task. Then, one of the blind sets didn't come with the mechanisms to attach it to the wall, so now that has to be returned. That is so frustrating.

The trouble with Crandall is I want everything done two weeks ago and I'm ready to be back in a routine of not prepping a house, but living in a house. Yesterday's blast of warm air had me longing for a run and to get outside and move. But, I know I had to slow down a little just in case I caused more damage to the groin muscle.

I am a huge baby when it comes to illness. I don't do it well and, actually, I quite suck at it. And with that, bring on Tuesday. I'm ready for you.

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