Saturday, March 28, 2015

Cards in Cuse, Calling For Snow Today, and Ice In The Crotch - The March Saga Continues and It is Total Madness #WalkMyWorld

I'll be honest. I've not been my usual nutty self this year when it comes to basketball, tournaments, and frenzied neuroticism. Part of me knows it was because of the move and another part realizes it is because I'm filling in for colleagues at the University covering territory I normally don't.

It is March. Trust me, I'm mad, but I'm nowhere near the fanatic I usually am. Rather, I am in pain and today they are calling for more snow.

Yes, for real. More snow.

With that noted, I was thankful to see Kentucky blow out Virginia on Friday night and for Louisville to prevent NC State from advancing in the Dome --- both teams giving me a reason to look forward to tomorrow. Of course, as long as Duke is still in, it is always fun to cheer on any team they are playing in hopes they will be knocked out. I simply can't stand that school --- no reason why (well, I have my reasons).

And I successfully had a low-key day. I wrote a book chapter and an op-ed I hope will make it to print next week. I didn't go to my office, which is very unusual for me as I'm a bit compulsive about routines and obligations.

But this month I'm walking my world and this includes special attention to brackets, upsets, predictions, and sport. Then, when it ends, the focus become barbecue, 5Ks, and summer programming. That is, of course, upon post-surgery recovery.

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