Thursday, May 7, 2015

Heroes Are Born Out of Actions That Speak Louder Than Words, Civility Comes From Standing For Equity and Fairness

This post will be short, because it is the end of the semester, and I have so much to say, but so little time to say it. Like colleagues across the nation who have put in 14 hour work days with research, teaching, and service, it is the time of the year for total exhaustion. For those of us who are also in negotiations with administrators to compromise on memos of understanding and a foundation for an upcoming school year, it is also a time of tension, frustration, and the ongoing dialogue of doing what is right for workers.

In this exhaustion, I'm recognizing the power and strength of Irene Mulvey who has mentored me this entire semester as the chair of the Faculty Salary Committee. Her intelligence, institutional history, advocacy for faculty, and outright commitment to her colleagues are truly outstanding.

Yesterday, at a faculty meeting, we had the privilege of giving her a standing ovation to thank her for her leadership and to remind administration that we, as faculty, matter, too. She has been recognized by our Fairfield community as a remarkable woman and viewed by other members of AAUP across the nation as a devoted fighter for the rights of workers and employees who do the labor that too often gets unrecognized. In short, she stands for the work that we do and I am truly thankful for having time with her this year at the helm of service I've done at Fairfield University.

When I arrived several years ago, I watched Irene Mulvey give annual reports and was amazed by her perseverance and patience while working out fair plans with those who control purse strings at our institutions and who fail to act efficiently. It is humorous to me that this year I've worked side-by-side with Dr. Mulvey and witnessed how truly phenomenal she really is. There are no red carpets or ticker tape parades for many who live an impassioned life, but she deserves both.

Today, our faculty had the opportunity to applaud her and I know my clapping came from the core of my being. Irene Mulvey has paved the way for the rest of us to fight on as we do.

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