Friday, September 18, 2015

Reflecting on Reflecting at a Moment For Reflecting on Reflecting. Of All Places, Stratford Animal Rescue.

As I type, I loaded a Kong with dog biscuits to buy myself a few moments of me-time without Glamis climbing on my head wanting to show me this toy or that ball or whatever sock. She loves to play, but she doesn't quite do it on her own. Of course, she batted the Kong under the couch and is now whining for me to get it. I want to finish at least one thought today so I'm ignoring her. She's currently hoarding all her other goods in a pile before she begins to bring them to my ears...not my hands...not my lap...but my eats.

I drove to the Stratford Animal Rescue today to get Glamis's dog tags but, lo and behold, like many town, city, state, and federal agencies, they have hours that make zero sense to everyday people. They were only in the office from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m., which is the exact time when I couldn't be there. As I walked away, I realized this is the location where we planted the Lois Minto tree and I walked over to the plaque to reminisce about my colleague, friend, and neighbor. She'd love Glamis and, should she still be with us, she'd have me laughing and dreaming and thinking spiritually and wondering. While I looked at the tree (note: this is by a river emptying into the L.I. Sound and no one was around) I felt like I was being stated at. I was. It was a fox on the trail right behind me. I said, "Thanks, Lois, for the friend, but you keep leaving me $1 bills and when I find them, I play them on the lottery, but they never win." I could hear her laughing.

So, last night Pam and I went to dinner and I told her the story. We decided it might be a sign that Lois is ready for a culmination. We've promised to drink her gin and to put some of her ashes in a balloon to launch over the southern Connecticut sky. Still, however, she sits in the pink bag at her sister's house. She's ready for us to have a ceremony for her and I'll have to wait until it is convenient for everyone. She was so loved and I'm not sure anyone wants to bring it to that sort of ending.

But, it had me reflecting all day...the big life stuff. The curiosity. The meaning. The doubt. The worry. The joy. The panic. The hope. Her tree looks good, but it would be more fund to have a Friday night at Paradise Pizza laughing at foolish things.

I'm sure she located Glamis in the great pool of adoptable pets to be sure the right one found me. That's where her passion truly lied (and I'm grateful). So here's to my friend on this Saturday morning. I am thinking of her today.

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