Friday, June 19, 2015

Nerding Out In Stratford: Dean's List, Outcasts United, and We Were Here. A Successful Day

After a 9 hour day at the University, I came home to drop Chitunga off at the train station and he handed me an envelope to announce that he made the Dean's list. I came home to the fasting twins and they were each comfortably reading a book of my shelf. It's like a house of Revenge of the Nerds and, I guess, I happen to be the King.

We also chose to pick up Chitunga from work in Stratford at 10 pm which wouldn't have been a horrific idea except 95 was a parking lot from Fairfield thru Norwalk and coming home on the Merritt was no better.

I attempted to "fast" all day by not eating so I could be on the same mental wavelength with the Ramadan tradition and I have to say, "I'll be good if I last a week." It's too much. I was angry all day, fatigued and mentally dead. I couldn't function. Although fasting and cleaning out the system seems like a good idea, the thought of doing it for four weeks sounds like hell to me. Still, I want to be on the same wavelength to understand what the exhaustion must feel like.

Well, I felt exhausted and I'm unsure this test of solidarity will last, no matter how much I want to say that one time in my life, I experienced Ramadan to its full effect. I think I have had enough of a taste after one day. I need my coffee, I need my water, and I need something to nibble on in the afternoon. By 8 pm I was cooked.

Ah, but ever since meeting the twins in 2008, I've always said I'd find a year to give it a shot. I'll see how I feel later today.

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