Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Hope For The Flowers - Hope For Summer Serenity As the Insanity Begins. Bring on the Butterflies.

And the Maytag man comes. Dryer suddenly heats up and works. "I can't find anything wrong with it," he says, billing me for the 35 minutes of work.

He leaves. Dryer stops heating. I call him and he's like, "Who is this?"

He doesn't even remember coming to my house and he's booked solid until later this week. The struggle.

So, I went to Home Depot to return parts for the dryer that I thought I'd need and that he said, "No, you won't need those." I exchanged them for two butterfly bushes which I strategically put on either sides of my back porch. My goal, eventually, is to have a successful butterfly garden like those I had in Clarksville and Cicero. It takes a while, however, to establish the plants.

The butterfly bushes will look nice, too, with all my laundry currently strung on all the surfaces of that back porch (full sun...who needs a working dryer?).

I'm hoping the butterflies will go to war with the sparrows and scare them away. That's the goal.

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