Friday, October 16, 2015

I'm Late To Meeting Dooneese, But Can Say That I Have Now Watched Every Dooneese SNL Skit

I may need to turn in my politically correct sense of humor and license. I'm not sure if it is appropriate to find the SNL skit so funny, but I do. I think it's because they usually feature a Lawrence Welk style to have Dooneese sing about her squirrels, panties, and worms. It makes me think of watching Lawrence Welk before the Waltons and Sunday night popcorn with my sisters and mom.

I typically cannot stay awake long enough to catch SNL, but last Saturday something intrigued me about seeing what Miley Cyrus would do on the season opening so I stayed up. Before it showed, though, they shared Best of SNL and I saw my first Dooneese skit. I'm sorry, but having doll hands is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I probably shouldn't crack up as I do, but I do.

And the musical lines hit my funny bone, too. In fact, I could live the rest of my life in a room of Dooneeses singing to me. That would make me happy.

Well, Olivia Pope would make me happy, too. 

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