Friday, January 30, 2015

And Then The Sisters Went On A Photo Hunt Of The Way We Used To Be. Still Laughing.

So, this showed up all over Facebook yesterday. Apparently my sisters are perusing old photographs and, one by one, they kept arriving online in social media outlets creating a beeping frenzy on my cellphone, where they arrived as a much welcome distraction from the work that needed to get accomplished.

I said it on Facebook and I will say it here, "My sisters look like someone took Sean and Jacob, Casey's kids, and put them in sheets and grannie panties."

I can't believe how much the two of them resemble my nephews. All photographs, from Santa's lap to Kmart portraitures, my sisters look exactly as Sean and Jacob do now -- but they're the Crandall girls.

The other humorous part of these photos, of course, were the clothes. I'm sure this must have been an Easter occasion and we should be thankful that in those days grandmother-units made clothes for such occasions. I like Mike Newman's comment, however best, "Bryan. You look like you're wearing Pizza Hut tablecloths for pants." Me, personally? I was intrigued by the collarless sport coat. Is this what they call a leisure suit?

The photo above inspires me for a lot of projects  I'm hoping I'll one day be able to pull off, including a recreation of such attire now that we're adults. And I'm noticing here that Casey's left hand is a normal size, unlike the other photos posted yesterday where the hand looks like it grew much faster than the rest of her body.

These pictures cracked me up. In fact, Casey captured the tomfoolery with a mini-montage of us laughing in our offices.

This is family interaction 2015 - three siblings off task behind computer screens having flashbacks of personal history while wondering what our parents were thinking when dressing us as they did.  In short, these are the precious moments that make it all worthwhile.

I love my family!

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