Sunday, January 4, 2015

And Right Before The Year Ended, This Motto Was Sent To Me With A Note: This Made Me Think Of You

I don't have any tattoos, but I might consider having this stitched into my back.

Okay. No. I won't.

Still, I like the way it reads and after watching Winston Marcellis make his case - once again - on NBC news for why the arts belong in schools, I thought it would make a good post for Sunday morning. We don't have festivity or funk without the alternative ways artists/ musicians/comedians choose to express their views of the world. The world is a much better place with out-of-the-box thinkers and Willy Wonka-extraordinaires who choose a more clever way of living life.

Of course, this mini-epiphany comes after a day of looking at houses and when the reality sets in that I'm not sure I want permanent residence in a state that is so impossible to live. Take the average price for a home in your neighborhood and double it. That's Connecticut, then add a good two to three thousand dollars to the average taxes.
It's hard to think whimsically and with wit when you know the State has your grabbed by the #$%%'s.

Either way, I wanted to have this slogan somewhere in my cyber universe so I know where I filed it and then, NOW, I can remove it from my computer's desktop.

I'm feeling way too conventional these days in my scholarly world. I'm craving the magic of the Brown School and the opportunities to break rules and still achieve excellence!

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